Mixed Topic Post

November 3, 2014

Wow! It has been a long time since I posted anything. Not that I haven’t thought about it.

I’ve been extremely busy with canning vegetables and fruits, working with the dogs (I am now fostering a Boxer, plus my adopted Boxer.) and work. I had to put my cat Spot down.

I have an app on my phone to post updates. Every time I’ve tried to use it I get some error, so I quit in frustration.

Honestly, I think Twitter and Facebook have ruined me on blogging. I can jump online with them, read up on stuff, and share links with comments so quickly I have nothing left for the blog. That’s a shame. I’ve been blogging in some form since 2000.

My days are also very chopped up. In theory I have time to post. In practice I don’t. We’ll see what happens in the next couple weeks. I also need to rebuild this page. I thought I would like the theme, but the more I see it the more I don’t.


I’ve gotten so out of sync with my old routine I just can’t get back on track. I’m move involved with my church (Choir Director! WooooOOOOOoooo.) I’m reading my Bible more, going to our Bible Study each week, and doing a personal study series of workbooks. I’m singing more for the church, so I have to set aside more time to rehearse.

I’m taking care of the dogs, Gracie and Jack. Both are Boxers and they really demand attention. Not in a “sick dog” kind of way, but they just need attention. I walk through the house and they follow me. I get the mail and they stare out the door or window. I rattle my truck keys and they think they are going for a ride. I was walking them almost every day, but lately haven’t been able to.

I still run my business, Robin’s Desktop, but I slacked way back to take care of mom over the past three years. I’m on the fence about kicking it back up where it was. Mom’s health won’t improve, just stabilize. She is my priority.

I also have my upcycling business. It is still in the embryonic stage.

All this on top of my regular “housewife” duties. Wayne and I are a fairly traditional couple. He brings home the bacon, I fry it up in a pan.

I am tired. 🙂

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