New Gadget

February 5, 2013

I spend a large amount of time, daily, using the computer. It is a major component of my business, and my writing.  Combine the significant amount of time with the keyboard and mouse, a significant year of writing, and osteoarthritis  and you, too,  may end up with hand and wrist pain.

So, to try and reduce that pain, I purchased two Logitech Wireless Trackball mice. One for the home office and one for the field office.

Logitech Wireless Trackball mouse.
Logitech Wireless Trackball mouse.
Button view.
Button view.


I used one when I worked at the WV Conservation Agency, as a Legislative Specialist. When I left, in 2007, I went back to the standard type of mouse. Last year, the volume of writing and designing increased substantially for me. I wrote a grant application and certificate of need for a domestic violence counseling center and ran a campaign for West Virginia House of Delegates. Now, I am struggling with a flair of osteoarthritis and am going back to some old favorites to try to reduce the strain on my hand, wrist, and arm.

Moving the trackball with the thumb replaces moving.
Moving the trackball with the thumb replaces moving.


It takes a little getting used to.  Moving the trackball with the thumb replaces moving the mouse along the mouse pad. The design follows the natural curve of the hand, taking pressure off the wrists. They are pricey, make no mistake.

You can buy traditional computer mice from anywhere at $20 or less. This particular item was right at $50.00, each. But, what price relief?

Depending on whether I continue to have pain or not, I may invest in an ergonomic keyboard, as well. I loved mine at the Conservation Agency.

We’ll see.

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