Identifying Things Taking the Place of God in Our Lives
By Robin A Holstein
During a recent Bible Study meeting, the subject drifted to things that get in the way of our walk with the Lord. We were studying the book of Acts, discussing the stoning of the Apostle Stephen.
It fell on me to share my personal revelation of a specific issue or activity that has interfered, and will continue to interfere, with my walk and spiritual development. It is simply, politics.
I LOVE politics. I love discussing, arguing, and writing about politics. I sought and won election to the local (Soil and Water) Conservation District, and my county and state party executive committees. I even ran for the House of Delegates in my district.
I attended meetings, gave speeches, raised money, produced campaign materials, radio and print media ads, along with the web site and social media accounts. I knocked on doors, waved at commuters, wrote op-eds, called talk radio, and made phone calls to get support. I even managed to get back to the campaign following the suicide of my younger son.
Except for an hour on Sunday I spent no other time with the Lord. I didn’t read His Word myself, I trusted the pastor to tell me what he thought I should know. There was no time for Bible Study, or any form of fellowship with the church.
I lost the seat for House by roughly 1,000 votes. Wise politicians told me it was directly due to straight-ticket voters, who outnumbered my party’s well over that number. I ran a great campaign, no dirt, lots of work. The loss was a mixed-blessing.
Soon after the loss, my mother’s health took a bad turn. She began having issues related to adhesions on the intestines. She spent several days in the hospital because of a blockage. December 23, 2012, my nephew suffered a severe asthmatic episode which required him to be put on a respirator. On Christmas Day he was flown from Charleston, West Virginia, to Children’s Hospital in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. My husband and I hopped in my truck and drove my sister to Pittsburgh.
A room opened up in the Ronald McDonald House. Once we got my sister settled we headed back. I went back up a few days later. He spent about 10 days there and we brought him home. During this time newly elected members of the Legislature were sworn and given training. Had I been elected I would have had to choose whether to be with family or serve my constituents. I would have chosen family.
My mother continued to have serious health issues. Mom had more hospitalizations with blockages. There were serious problems with diabetes. She developed A-fib of the heart. The strength of her heart beats began to wane. Over the course of two years she had eight admissions.
In the back of my mind, I began to “hear” something tell me my focus should be on salvation and my family. I struggled with juggling commitments to committees and groups with the needs of my church and parents. It soon became obvious I had to let go of things.
I resigned from my county party executive committee first. It was the most demanding at the time. I finished up obligations to a health and recreation committee. I did not seek re-election to the state party executive committee. I also started letting go some of my business clients. It was hard to do! I loved doing those things.
I found SonLife Television and Radio Networks on my satellite TV, and the app for my phone. I began filling the time I used to spend with talk-radio with this network and radio. I started feeling a re-connection to the Lord.
I started reading the Bible again. I read it when I was a child, the best I could. This time was different. This time I wasn’t reading the children’s stories. I started reading the “other” stuff. I read the “stuff” you don’t get from children’s Sunday School lessons. To paraphrase Paul Harvey, I read the rest of the story. My eyes began to reopen.
I began to realize I treated politics as another god. I lived and breathed it. I gave it money. I gave it hours of time. I gave it activities (meetings, writing, calling, etc.), I promoted it heavily. I preached it. I scolded others for not voting. Political activities consumed me and my life.
I surrounded myself with others of like mind. We supported each other. We fellowshipped. We attended activities, meetings, and protests. We cheered each other on. We were worshiping at the altar of a political party.
As I shared my story with others at Bible Study, I shared one more little bit. I told them the draw to return is strong. I get phone calls, letters, email, and social media messages wanting me to get back involved. It may be an even stronger draw than the desire to smoke, even after 12 years cigarette free.
I rededicated myself June 2013. The Lord took me back, no questions asked. When we are sincere in our repentance He grants forgiveness immediately. I don’t know what His plan for me is. I simply pray I will be a vessel for His work.
One of the Elders in my church asked me to sing. It took weeks of practice but on May 4th I performed “Joy Comes in the Morning.” The Spirit of the Lord flowed freely and many were blessed.
I am reading the Word daily. I stream SonLife on my phone when I walk Gracie. I stream The Message of the Cross and Frances and Friends whenever possible. I learn a great deal from these programs.
Another god doesn’t have to be politics. It could be exercise, drugs, alcohol, education, food, money, family, reading, work, television, sports, games, any thing or activity that gets between you and your relationship with God. If you have more time for it, more money for it, more dependence on it, that “thing” could be a god in your life.
Pray to the Lord and ask Him to show you what gods you may have in your life. Listen for His “voice.” He will tell you.
I thank the Lord that I was able to see how I allowed another god to take over in my life.
Tags: Acts, God, politics, prayer, walk with the Lord