On Sunday, our pastor taught on the resurrection of Lazarus, by Christ. The account is chronicled at John Chapter 11. During his message I was struck by this (possible) Word from God.
Jesus commanded Lazarus, “Come forth!” When Lazarus appeared, the Lord instructed that his bindings be loosed, to set him free.
Christ’s death calls us to come forth from our own tombs, the tombs of human death and sin. God Calls our spirit to him, as Jesus called to Lazarus. The removal of the bandages, wrappings, are symbolic of the removal of sin that binds humans unto death. Obeying the Word of God, confessing our sin to Jesus and accepting Him as Lord allows us to walk free of our wrappings of sin.
The resurrection of Lazarus is symbolic of our resurrection upon salvation, as well as a symbolic preview of the death and resurrection of Christ.
By Robin Holstein