
February 21, 2013

Well, I am on my way to having my first chapbook completed. What does that mean? A chapbook is a small book, or booklet, around 40 pages, and usually filled with poetry. It might be professionally printed, or printed by the author using desktop publishing software.

Topics may be difficult for some.
Subject matter may bother some.

I have the software, Adobe InDesign, and am laying it out on my own right now. I might decide to find an official publisher. There are several out there.

The poetry in my chapbook relates solely on my experiences over the past year, since my son Bryan’s death. I don’t pretend it’s earth shattering. I am sure more experienced poets will consider it elementary. That’s fine.

I welcome comments on my writing. Just remember, I don’t write for you, I write for me. So if the subject matter bothers you, or if the words are too strong, I write for me.

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