Episode 5: Skin cancer. There, I said it. And China Apple employees escape

November 1, 2022

We’ll go round the table and back in 60 minutes or less. So let’s hang out and talk a while.

Robin discusses if you are a child of the 60’s, or before, you lived in a world that did not believe your family actually went to the beach on vacation unless you returned so sunburned you looked like a lobster. It may be time to pay the piper.

The Airbnb experience thing. I really want to focus on the Coal Mine Wars and what happened within decent driving distance of the house.

The Apple workers in China being locked in the factory due to covid.

And we finish up with a challenge for you to attend church this Sunday.

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**Using the oven: I have a vintage oven which uses a standing pilot light. This means the pilot light is always on, there is no igniter. My oven, therefore, stays warm enough to incubate ferments.

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You should always do your research to decide what is right/safe for you. I am not a professional in any of these areas. I use this channel to help you with ideas and share my experiences.


WV DHHR Skin Cancer Stats: https://dhhr.wv.gov/hpcd/FocusAreas/wvcancer/Pages/WV-Cancer-Statistics.aspx 

Mayo Clinic https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/basal-cell-carcinoma/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20354193 


Skin Cancer Foundation https://www.skincancer.org/skin-cancer-information/basal-cell-carcinoma/ 

Elizabeth Warren Huff Po article https://www.huffpost.com/entry/opinion-elizabeth-warren-native-ancestry_n_5bc5f8d9e4b055bc947a6e13 

Apple Chinese Workers https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-63447755 


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Podcast on Fountain. https://fountain.fm/show/g8heEA6c8YZ3jEbEYm9F 








Robin A Holstein is proprietor of Holstein House Bed and Breakfast, in Diamond, WV. She is President of Robin’s Desktop, LLC. She is a licensed minister, and life coach through Christian Leaders Alliance. She holds a BS in Business. Robin was awarded an honorary doctor of divinity degree from Universal Life Church. She is a contributing columnist on spirituality for The Two-Lane Renaissance. You may reach her at robin [at] robinholstein.com

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