Holidays at Home

November 26, 2013

I am slowing down a little to wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving! Difficulties and tragedies face us everyday. Being thankful can be hard.

Since last Thanksgiving there have been plenty of problems. There was also plenty of blessings. At this time of year we are asked to look at the blessings.

There are obvious things, like health, home, and family. There are also things we overlook. Or at least, don’t focus on.

I am thankful for every wrinkle on my face. They witness to the world a full life. A life with times of sorrow and of laughter.

I am thankful for the aches of arthritis. They remind me life takes a little effort, and a lot of discomfort, but it is worth getting up every day.

I am thankful for dog slobber. Yes, that’s what I mean. Since Gracie came to our home, I am reminded that unconditional love means just that, unconditional. You gotta love unconditionally.

No one is perfect. There are some things that are irritating that are not hurtful. Dog slobber is a great example. Gracie slobbers water all over the kitchen when she drinks. I like to stay barefoot at home. I constantly step in dog slobber. It’s gross but not harmful.

I am thankful for the flexibility in my life that allows me to help my parents. Their retirement years are not rosy. It’s a daily challenge.

I am thankful for my husband. He is a wonderful man. Adding more words would be a disservice because I could never say enough.

I am thankful for the sacrifice of the Christ that saved my soul for eternity. I pray I can serve Him well.

I pray your Thanksgiving will be filled with happiness and positive reflections on some of the little things to be thankful for.


By Robin Holstein

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