This is a 60 second video of my Boxer, Gracie. Gracie is a rescue. Gracie was turned in to a shelter as a stray. She was severely underweight, roughly 39 pounds. She had pyrometra, and kennel cough. The shelter staff opined no one would take her in that condition.
Big Dogs Rescue, of Hacker Valley WV, found Gracie. Jessica took her home, got her to a vet, and got her treated. It was through Big Dogs and their Facebook page (Big Dogs Boxer Rescue), that I saw her and began the process of adoption.
Lucky for Gracie, roughly six weeks after being found at the shelter, and likely on the way to euthenasia, she was at my home.
This video is from October 21, 2013, seven days after Gracie came to my home.
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Tags: boxer, boxer breed, boxer rescue, life, pet rescue, pets