Peppers Sprouting

March 26, 2025


It’s the season to start indoor vegetables and I am both happy and flustered. 

I have several seeds in starter packs. I planted three tomatoes, four kale, lettuce varieties, and peppers. The peppers have been frustrating. 

Sweet peppers start slow. Plant peppers and tomatoes seeds at the same time and the tomatoes will outshine peppers by several days. 

The peppers you see here is a Jimmy Nardello variety. It will produce a large plant with beautiful elf shoe looking fruit. They are great for Italian dishes. 

The last frost date for me is still a month away. I have a small greenhouse on the back porch and I am so excited for the minute I can plant my container garden. 

What vegetables are you growing this year? Let me know in the comments.

#IndoorGardening #StartingSeeds #VegetableGarden #ContainerGardening #PeppersAndTomatoes #TomatoSeason #KaleLove #LettuceVarieties #SweetPeppers #GreenhouseGardening #GardenJourney #JimmyNardelloPeppers #ItalianCooking #SeedStarting #SpringGardening #GardeningFrustrations #GardenerLife #UrbanGardening #GreenThumb #LastFrostDate #PeppersAreSlow #BackPorchGarden #GrowingGreens #PlantingSeason

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