Rebuild insanity

May 28, 2013

I have spent most of the day rebuilding my business web page.

I rebuilt the page using Joomla a couple years ago. I neglected the updates when running for House of Delegates last year. I just couldn’t juggle everything and it was a major drop.

While I tried to update stuff last week I managed to crash the MySql database. I ran an update but must have done something wrong because I couldn’t reinstall it.

Anyway, now I am rebuilding with the WordPress platform. And, with any rebuild, I am frustrated trying to get the little tweaks made.

It’s no big deal overall. The company is not doing well. I want to move on. I need the page up just for basic info. But the near perfectionist freak in me wants more than just a basic page.

But, for now its time for bed.

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